AbsenCe and Late Procedures
If a student is going to be away or late for school, parents are to contact the school before 8.30am in one of the following ways:
Email: admin@gsk.wa.edu.au or attendance@gsk.wa.edu.au
Phone: 9496 9200 (option 1), and followed up with a note / email
Call into the office and fill out an absence form
All absences must be followed up with a signed note from the parent/guardian.
Please note, if using the email option, that the ‘from’ address is not sufficient as it does not necessarily contain the full name of the person sending it. A full parent/guardian name must be typed at the end of the message.
A sick note / email should contain the following information:
the name of the student
the class/roll group of the student
the reason for the absence
the full name of the parent/guardian at the end of the message
Any student who arrives after 8.40am MUST be signed in by their parent/guardian at the school office before going to class and a blue card taken to the teacher.
Any student who need to leave early for appointments, sickness etc MUST be signed out at the office first and a blue card taken to the class teacher.