Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School in Kelmscott was established in 1977, by the Loreto Sisters. The buildings were completed at the end of Term 1, 1978 after much assistance from the Good Shepherd parent community. Fr Dario Brunetti was the Parish Priest when Good Shepherd School was established.
Sister Mary O’Brien was the founding Principal at Good Shepherd, Kelmscott. She was followed by Sister Helen Murphy, Mr Kim Baker, Mr Tim Emery, Mr Red Berson, Mr Peter Panizza, Mrs Gabrielle Doyle, Mr David Tunchon, Mr Andrew Colley and our current Principal, Mr Paul Hansen. A number of buildings in the school have been given names of great significance to the history of the school.
The Early Childhood Centre is called the Loreto Centre after the Loreto Order who established the school. The original building in our school, which currently houses the children in Years 3-6, music room, Science room, Italian Room and hall is called Ward House after Mary Ward, the founder of the Loreto Order. Year 1 and 2 rooms are housed in the building called Salesian House, after the Salesian Order of priests from the Kelmscott Parish who were here when the building was established. Xavier House is named in recognition of the influence of the community at St Francis Xavier, Armadale at the time when the school was established. The STEM Centre is called the Don Bosco Centre after the founder of the Salesian Order of Priests.
We also have four Sport Houses in our school, all of which have been given names of significance to the school. Xavier House, after the influence of St Francis Xavier, Canning House, named after the river the school was built aside. Forrest House, named after the first premier of Western Australia and Ward House, named after Mary Ward, the founder of the Loreto Order.
Each year the school community focus on one of the values that underpin our Mission Respect, Compassion, Responsibility and Excellence. The value is highlighted throughout the year and children, parents and staff have many opportunities throughout the year to explore what the value means for them. Our Faith history is vital to the continued strength and vitality of our community, centred on Christ and witnessed through love of each other.
Mary Ward

Mary Ward was born in England in 1585 into an upper class Catholic family, in a time of fierce religious passion and bigotry.
Like many Englishwomen from the higher classes, Mary Ward enjoyed greater freedom and independence than was available to women in most Catholic countries at that time.
Contrary to the norm for women in those times, she had received a balanced classical education. Surrounded by strong recusant women who upheld the Catholic faith within their homes and communities in the face of persecution, imprisonment or execution, Mary Ward grew up with a firm belief in the capacity of women to contribute significantly to both Church and society.
The 5 Values of Mary Ward that she wishes everyone to aim for are :
• Sincerity. • Verity (Truth). • Justice. • Freedom. • Felicity (Joy).